- Men’s Health
The screening for prostate cancer is currently widely published, especially following the revelations that King Charles, is himself, having treatment for an enlarged prostate. The program for screening prostate cancer is being effectively rolled out, but the recovery following surgical intervention is not widely discussed.
- Prostate surgery can cause incontinence and the recovery for which can take from a few weeks to 18 months, with little personalised information as to how you will be affected or progress.
- Timely physiotherapy before surgery will improve understanding of the pelvic floor function and how to isolate and strengthen it effectively.
- Following surgery, it is important to feel supported during your recovery period. Continued Physiotherapy intervention can help you effectively rehabilitate the muscles and retrain the pelvic floor. As with any muscle retraining, you will need to progress the loading and having expert advice along the way can help with any difficulties you may encounter.
- If you develop urinary frequency, urinary urgency (with or without incontinence), it is important to retrain the bladder to enable you to navigate problems more confidently.
- Bowel difficulties such as constipation can be problematic and be greatly helped by treatment, exercise and lifestyle, advice.