- Neurological Physiotherapy & Functional Rehabilitation
Neurological Physiotherapy and Functional Rehabilitation allows you to:
- Maximise your independence,
- Increase your functional ability and mobility,
- Learn to self manage,
- Improve your quality of life.
Through guided treatment and clear, agreed management plans you can achieve your potential.
Where necessary, advice is available for equipment and aids that can improve your independence and safety.
Detailed knowledge of all local, Herts-wide and national resources is available to support your self-management, including how to access Adult Health and Community Services, benefits and Carer’s support.
You can attend The Physiotherapy Clinic for treatment or be seen at home.
We offer:
- Strengthening,
- Balance re-training,
- Stretching,
- Movement facilitation,
- Mobility & transfer activities,
- Functional re-education,
- Practical & equipment advice.
Conditions treated:
- Parkinson’s Disease,
- Stroke,
- Multiple Sclerosis,
- Motor Neurone Disease,
- Guillain Barre Syndrome,
- Spinal cord injury,
- Acquired brain or head injury,
- Brain tumour,
- Motor weakness,
- Sensory loss,
- Ataxia,
- Balance disorders
- Neuropathy and other neurological symptoms.