The Physiotherapy Clinic, Welwyn Garden City, Herts


If you suffer an injury such as a sprain, strain, muscle pull, or tear, immediate first aid can prevent complications, helping you heal faster.

Until you are able to attend an appointment with a physio, the R.I.C.E. method is recommended for all early minor injuries.

The initial aim of RICE is to stop the bleeding and therefore minimize tissue damage. You need to ensure there is a minimum delay for a successful recovery. The tissues are likely to be torn, bleeding and unstable, further stress as well as massage or manipulation should be avoided as an increase in bleeding may occur.


REST is therefore recommended for the first 24 hours. Rest can be aided by the application of Braces, Supports and Strappings as they can be beneficial in protecting minor injuries whilst you undertake your normal daily activities. Injuries of a more serious nature may also benefit from such supports but should only be used under medical supervision.


Ice cools the tissues and constricts the blood vessels resulting in less bleeding in the affected area. Do not apply ice directly to the skin, use any form of oil over the affected area and a light towel or cloth in-between to avoid the danger of Ice burns. Ice should be used for the first 48-72 hours following injury and should be applied every 2 waking hours for 10-12 minutes per application.


Compression is produced by firmly bandaging the affected area, to constrict the tissues sufficiently to stop further bleeding; however, it should not be so tight that it stops your circulation altogether.


Elevation is recommended along with compression using a tubular bandage or elasticated support. Elevation is achieved by raising the affected part above groin height to allow free drainage of the tissue fluids, assistance being gained from gravity. Arnica Montana is a useful homoeopathic remedy that is widely regarded as the 1st remedy for injury as its success on treating bruising has been well documented.

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